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3 applications using your smartphone camera in other uses other than video or photograph beautiful face recording

Obviously you will use your smartphone camera to take photographs amazing with a broad smile, but
there are other options you can take advantage of them taking advantage of your phone's camera, and you should be aware This entry will learn quickly about 3 uses that you can do with your phone's camera Intelligent with the help of three applications on Google Play and the App Store!

1. interpreter

N beautiful things brought to you by your smart phone, which is the ability to translate any text into the language, and it also includes even instant translation of any banner in the street, or anywhere else, just by the camera. Application that offers you this feature is an application from Google "Google Translate" which gives you the translation in 28 languages.

2.ajra scan your documents

Your smartphone can act as a scanner, which To your friends everywhere, now you can working copies of any document or a document and convert it to editable text. Evernote Scannable (IOS) is one of the best options for the task .CamScanner is another option available for Android as well as IOS.

3.akchav stars

Thanks to augmented reality applications can now transform your phone into something like telescope to discover the sky and the stars. You can apply the "SkyView" Available for the Android system as well as ios experience, the application uses your phone's camera to identify the stars and planets groups without  telescope .and lift the phone to the sky show you the places of the stars and star Asami each or a total star
3 applications using your smartphone camera in other uses other than video or photograph beautiful face recording Reviewed by on 2:39:00 PM Rating: 5

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